Don Hayes Eug~nc Bailey Danni~ Skipper Lester Parmenter Bobby Glover Cecil Beck and Joe Pryor TNT President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Reporter and Hi,torian Sponsors The two " prides" of TNT. Continue Work On Bulletin Board Another year of hard work and fun defines the spirit of the TNT club. They continued to "ork on the intramural athletics bulletin board whirh is an asset to the reputation of the club and to the sports program. Their " Adult Western" banquet was held on February 15. Joyce Jennings was chosen club queen and nominee for Petit Jean queen. Pledge week and initiation kept the members busy the first part of the year as did stag outings and visits to the home of the club sponsor. During the spring they laid aside all books and spent an enjoyable day on their outing. INT. ROW ONE: Cecil Beck, Glen McNeese, Donnie Skipper, Eugene Bailey, Bob Glover, Don Hayes. ROW TWO: Richard Rodge_,s, James Jones, Gene loney, leuer Parmenter, lawrence Barclay, ( oli)(IO Torres BUller , Joe Pryor. NOT PICTURED , Rolph Madden , Di ck Coxsey, Eldridge McFadden. Max Lorwln, Joyce Jennings.