1957-1958 Yearbook

TOFEBT. ROW ONE: Joniece Helm, Violet linam, Carolyn Combs, Margie Connon, Betty Doak, Sondra COlt. ROW TWO: Wando Gwin, loNorma Mitchell, Anno Duckworth, Brenda Duckworth, Owenila Reagan, Doris Childs, Jon McKoy. NOT PICTURED: Gail Adams, Jon Anderson, Nodine Tyler, Mrs, Greg Rhodes. Tin-Can Supper Highlight Of Year There jsn't another organization on campus that can boast of a Tin Can Supper. This is an annual affair of the Tofebt club. Somehow wieners roasted over an open fire, mixed generously with a suppl y of dirt and smoke, equal a feast. The college park was the scene of such a feast early in the year when the club staged their third function. At their banquet, members and their dates journeyed to fairyland to be with Cinderella at her ball when Hardingale and Prince Charming were crowned. Spring found Tofebts headed for Petit Jean for their annual all -day outing. 'Twos The nighT before Christmas. FALL Violet Linam Anna Duckworth Janiece Helm Nadine Tyler Marg ie Cannon Wanda Gwin Mrs. Greg Rhodes 118 TOFEBT Presidenl V ice-Presidenl . Secrelary-Treasurer Parliamenlarian Reporler Hislorian SPRING Wanda Gwin Janiece Helm Oweni ta Reagan Sandra Cox La Norma Mitchell J an Anderson Sponsor