.. T-16. ~OW ONE: John Mclain , Bob Mitchell , Ed N icholson , Bill Belve, Delio Beth STephenson , Bvd Barrentine, Glynn Shriver, Garrett Timmerman , Dole fIo.beard ROW TWo.: Ed Hightower, John Vanderpool , Jim Garner, Joe Hightower, Jerry Jones , Jim Brown, Archie Isom, Harold Norwood. ROW THREE: Oon Humphrey, Bill STafford, Wayne Arnold, Bob Wall ace, Bob Jones , Wayne Evons, Bill Starl ing , Don JohnSTon. ~OW FOUR: Harold Vanderpool , Joe Ba ldwin, ~oy Vanderpool. Bob Si lvey, Tom Wofford , John VanWinkle, Jock Ba ldw in, Buddy McKee. NOT PICTURED: Cl iff Gonvs, Herb Dean, Chari•• OoVil, Rayburn Kn ight, Sam Kitching, Tom Jenk ins, Dick Johnson, Carl Johnson , Keith Boler, Ted Kn ight , Walton Weaver, Bill Newton . Take Trip To New Orleans? From the first stag outing at the beginning of the school year until the ice cream supper for former members at the close of the year , the Sub Ts were busily engaged in campus activities. Pledges were welcomed warmly - with a belt line. The club - the largest on campus - made excellen t showings in the club a thletic even ts, winning the SUB T-1 6 softball and r agball tournaments. For their annual informal banquet the crew met in the form of an underworld syndica te. Other highligh ts of the year were a club project for the school and many impromptu outings h eld a t the club cabin . Delia Beth Stephenson reigned as club queen . Soy, Captain , it looks like we ' re here to stay . Don Johnston Garrett Timmerman John Vanderpool Harold Vanderpool Cliff Ganus and Herb Dean Skipper First Mate Second Mate Quartermaster Admirals 117