What a switch from pledge week. Darlene Darling Nancy Banowsky Jan McReynolds Gwen Mullins Loretta Bowman . Sue Vinther Mrs. Cecil Alexander THETA PSI Five Course Meal Eaten By Masters President Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer ...... Parliamentarian Historian Reporter Sponsor Talking over the events of the past summer and eating pizza at the home of their sponsor began the activities of the Theta Psis for the year. Then pledge week began and a never-to-be-forgotten five course chicken dinner was served to the masters by the pledges. A hilarious informal initiation and an impressive formal initiation by candlelight will be long remembered events. "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" provided the never land setting for the banquet held January 18 at the Rendezvous. The other two main social activities of the year included a semi-formal dinner and the spring outing. THETA PSI. ROW ONE: Rebecca Heffington, Wando Warren, lindo Odell, Charlotte Goodwin, Gwen Turbyfill, Gwen Mullins, Jan McReynolds, Mary Torres, Sue Vinther, Wi Ilene looney. ROW TWO: Mrs. Cecil Alexander, Joyce Gilpin, Sue Gory, Darlene lowder, Gale Wright, Jeon Hesler, Susie Johnson, Jone Wade. Rebecca Wiley, lenora Cross, Jimmie Mobley. Darlene Darling. NOT PICTURED: Nancy Banowsky, loretto Bowman .