Camera catches assorted expre ssions duri ng a daily cho pel program. Christian Education Is Complete In Instruction . . . H a rding College was founded thirty-four years ago in order to educa te students in an atmosphere of Christi anity. This is that something which surpasses mere buildings, labora tories, books, and training fac iliti es. Every phase of life - with an accent on the spiritual - r eceives attention at Harding. Tlw teachers a im to lay the foundations for building SlI ccpss flll lives that are guided by the knowledge tlf iI II igher Ile ing and His commandments. Chri stian in struction is found in our worship and fellowship, in our part-time jobs, in our classes, and in our co-curricular activities - providing us with in spiration and a challenge. The general educa tion program, an integrated course of study, is designed to increase our intellectual' perspective and to help us see the inter -relation of various areas of knowledge. Perhaps the greatest instruction we receive is that gained for us by our Christian association . Vls dmg spea kers such as Marshall Keeble broadened our oUll oo ks . Eight o"cl ock is awfu ll y ea rl y for biology doss . "First Things" ore placed " firs' " studYing can wai l!