1957-1958 Yearbook

Gerald Ransom Pat Teaglie Ken Vanderpool Pete Stone Calvin Downs Jack Wood Sears SIGMA TAU SIGMA President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Reporter Sponsor Mad, Mad, Mad! Cong ratulations, pledges, you' re Sigma Taus. "Eat, drink, and be mushy? Tha t was the maddest banquet I've ever heard about !" For the truth of the matter, it was, because the Sigma T aus for a banquet theme simply chose "Mad ." Cha racteri 7.ed by a regenera ted spiri t, the Sigma Taus got credit also for having the first hayride tha t has been held at Harding in a long time. Other ac tivities for the year included the acceptance and pledging of twelve new members, a formal initia tion, w inning the inter -club volleyball tourn ament and other par - ti cipa tion in the cl ub sports program . Miss Sallie Turner h eld the h onor of club sweetheart. Her delicious cakes kept h er popula r with the club . SIGMA TAU SIGMA. ROW ONE: Bill Smith. Gerold Hunnicutt, Raymond Smi t h, lorry Hollingsworth, John Hazelip, Wally Colson, Terry Davis, Ken Vanderpool. lee Smith. ROW TWO: Dick Mock, Dallos Blevins, Dee Hillin, Jimmy Hightower, AI lynds. Gerald Ransom, Calv in Downs, Harold Tandy, Sall Ie Turner , Joe Hunn icutt , Jerome Barnes, Gene Tell, Charles Reddell, Po' Teague. Jack Campbell, Pete Stone . NOT PICTURED: Jack Wood Sears. ... -