1957-1958 Yearbook

MOHICAN, ROW ONE: Titus Chon, Dwight Smith, Jimmy Adkins, l orry Bills, Winfred Wright, Jimmy Goodwin, Cornelius laird, Ronny Bennett, Mavis Baldw in. ROW TWO: Homer Picklesimer, Garry Peddle, Doyle Kee, Gero ld Cosey, George Gurganus, Jim Kellett , John Wilson , Chuck lucas, Arthur Voyles, Dean Priest. ROW THREE : Allen Armstrong, Charles Martin, Ed land, Ha rold Volentine, Jock Rhodes, Alvin Cashon, Jimmy Will iams, Fronk NOT PIQURED: Fred Mossey , Maurice tSoldwi n, Fronk Herren , Erle T. Moore. Eat Chinese Food At Third Function Heap big Mohicans pledge 'em thirteen a t beginning of year and much to surprise of pledges - nobody scalped! A stri ctly moderni zed Indian reservation formed the setting for the cel ebra tion of the club's tenth anniver sary at their annua l club banquet. The Mohican' s own cook, Titus, prepared the m enu for the club's third fun ction , a Chin ese .supper . Pledg ing two n ew members at semester with feathers and Indi an blankets, and th e annual outing kep t the member s busy in the spring. M rs. Fred Massey was sel ected as club queen and nomi nee for Petit Jea n Queen . Titus Chan Garry Peddle Dwight Smith Erie T. Moore MOHICAN Big Chief Little Chief Scribe Wampum Man Messenger Medicine Man 111 Well, don ·t iust stond there braves - scalp someone I