OEGE. ROW ONE: Barbaro Wolker , Lorraine Geer, Barbaro Taylor , Mrs . loti Tucker , Rachel Hawkins, Diona Woodie, Evelyn Mclaury. ROW TWO: ENo Mae Westbrook. Carolyn Sweet, Kiuko Yokomori, linda Burkett , JeonHockell, Barbaro Ethrloge, Jane lewis, Soro Good, Ann Tatum, Marilyn Dodd, Sue pO;l(son. NOT PICTURED: Koren Fry, Margaret lafferty, Jean lucas, Virgmlo Lannom, I(ose Jones. Seventeen New Members Added The returning OEGEs had their hands full with seventeen pledges. Pledge week activities began with a popcorn party in the sponsor's home and were climaxed by a formal, candlelight initiation in the Emerald Room. Members were soon caught up in the whirl of planning for such activities as the Christmas party, participation in the toy drive, and competing In the annual club volleyball tournament. The theme of the formal banquet held at the Rendezvous on February 15 was "Holiday Inn." For their project the OEGEs chose to send financial help to a missionary. With the coming of spring, the girls and their dates went to Camp Tahkodah for their outing. Study hard, girls. and leI's do it again. FALL Rose Jones Sue Paxson Marilyn Dodd Barbara Ethridge . Ann Tatum Kiuko Yokomori . Mrs. Lott Tucker 108 OEGE President Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer Song Leader Reporter Historian SPRING ... Sue Paxson Diana Woodie Rose Jones Carolyn Sweet Lorraine Geer Sara Good Sponsor