1957-1958 Yearbook

IOINONIA, ROW ONE: Bill Davenport, Bob Fletcher, Sondra Phillips, Jim Eckerberg , Do le Allison, ROW TWO, Rolph adam, Steve Rhoton, Warren Snyder, Phd Futrell Stag Outings At The Cave The Koinonia Club began its actIvItIes with with a fun -fi lled stag outing at th e Cave. Plans a fun -filled stag outing at the Cave. Plans for the club's recreat ional activities were discussed . Among them was the annual banquet which was presented at the Rendezvous on February 20 . The theme, "Man About Town," was carried out in brilliant KOINONIA decor and in a skit by the members which was enjoyed by a ll. Sandra Phill ips, nominee for Petit Jean Queen and Club Sweetheart, was presented a sweetheart sweater. The outing climaxed an eventful year that grossed th e club increases in spirit, recreation, and solidarity. Where's the food? Delano Waters Harvey Peebles Richard Walker President ...... Vice-President Secretary -Treasurer Bulldog Sponsor I ' ., - ~~~~-" -~. 107