1957-1958 Yearbook

IItA PHI KAPPA . ROW ONE : Bil l Bra ndl, Clyde Reese , R. B. Barton , Benny Barber, Tom Terry, John Blackwelder. ROW TWO: Don Sutherl a nd, Bob eorMr, Mol Caskey, Bill Hoga n , Cli fford BoaTright , Benny Whaley . ROW THREE : Ed Sewell , Ron Reo , Thomas Eaves, D. l. McEnfi re , Jim Phill ips, Don Hohon, Bob Tipton . Successful Second Year "... develop to the maximum mentally, phys ically, spiritually, and socially " T h is is the purpose of Beta Phi Kappa, a relatively new club on campus. The members have done so by participating in vari - out acti vities such as speech debates and tourna - ments, by being active in the intramural sports program, and by participating in campus devoBETA PHI KAPPA FALL SPRING tional s. February 14 was th e date ch osen for their "Sweetheart" banquet at w h ich time their queen, Mozelle Telchik, was presented an inscri bed locket. Dr. Hughes, guest speaker of the evening, gave a very enlightening address. Spring found the group and their dates on th eir way to a national park for an outing to rest and bask in the sun . Who's buyi ng? President Tom Eaves V ice-President . R. B. Barton Jim Martin R. B. Barton Secretary Bill Branch Treasurer Don Holton Reporter Ed Sewell and Bob Tipton D . L. McInteer Bill Branch Don Holton Sponsors 97