1957-1958 Yearbook

GATA FALL SPRING Mozelle Telchik . President ... Margaret Hardy Claudette DuBois Naomi Walker .. Judy Parks Jackie Jones .. Sponsor Claudette DuBois Vice-President . Martha Tucker . Secretary Jonnie Sue Gattis Treasurer . look at the birdie . .. and they ,ook it literally . Mary Duer Reporter-Song Leader Mrs. George Baggett AIi-Gata -- Our Spacial Angel "Ali-GATA!" Who's that? Why, he's Bill Dismuke, the first GATA beau who was honored on the "Out of this World" cruise taken by members and their dates at their banquet. A musical journey carried the "earthlings" into outer space and back again. As remarkable as this trip was, there were other activities of the year which were equally exciting. Sleeping bags for an indoor bunking party ... picnics in the snow ... even the regular Monday noon meetings in the Empire Room were fun. As the school year drew to a close, Gatas bade sad farewells to those who would not return next year at a breakfast at the Rendezvous. G. A. T. A. ROW ONE: Sharon Pippen, Ann Richardson, Pal Forsee. Mary Duer, Edna Knore, Barbaro Melton . ROW TWO: Coral Ann Hailey, Jonel Pope, lindo Hartman, Ruth Ingalls, Alice Conner, Carolyn Davis, Mrs. George Baggett. ROW THREE: Doris Gaskjll, Claudette DuBOis, Jackie Jones, Jonnie Sue GaltiS, Judy Parks, Betty Ruffin, Noomi Walker. NOT PICTURED: Margaret Hardy, Mozelle Telchik, MarTha Tucker, Betty Slone, Sue Carruth.