Alpha Psi - ROW ONE: Helen Hendrix, L. C. Sears, Elizabeth Mason, Florence Cathcart, Glenda Taylor. ROW TWO: Bill Hampton, Jack Wood Sears, Richard Walker, Leslie Burke. ROW THREE: Edwin Hughes, Darrell Alexander. Joe Pryor, Benny Holland. ALPHA PSI OMEGA, a national honorary dramatic fraternity encourages excellence in the field of drama. Membership in the Eta Omega cast is based upon ability in stage work and previous Campus Players membership. ALPHA PSI OMEGA presents awards for outstanding dramatic abilities. Drama Gives Training CAMPUS PLAYERS, Harding's dr amatic organization, occupies an integral role in the lives of students who aspire to act or to work with the technical aspects of drama. The group meets every Thursday night and is usually entertained by one act plays. The Players, sponsored by Glen and Wanda Wiley, are responsible for three of the lyceum series presented during .the school year. This year's productions ranged from the classics-Molier's "The Miser" and Chekov's "The Cherry Orchard"- to the modern Broadway comedy hit "Time Out For Ginger" by Ronald Alexander. In addition to the major dramatic productions, the Players sponsor the Workshop Theater, a series of one act plays produced and directed by students. This year they staged the plays of Eugene O'Neil, James M. Barrie, William Saroyan, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and other noted playwrights. This year the Players also gave awards for the best actor and actress of the year, with the winners being chosen from the one act, student directed plays. A new addition for the Players was a Green Room, and a much needed workshop. Requirement for entrance into the Players is a total of twenty-five points. This point system is based upon the number of hours worked, as well as acting. With such an ambitious dramatic program, interested students are provided with an outlet for their creative ability in acting, directing, lighting, makeup, costuming, and scene design. Campus Players not only provides students with fun and experience, but it also furnishes a wonderful source of entertalnment. Campus Players - ROW ONE: Helen Hendrix, Shirley Williams, Carol Trent, Joy Edwards, Shirley Alexander, Sue Gary, Annette Mc~ Dougall. ROW TWO: Marjia Ruffin, Lester Parmenter, Glenda Taylor, Darrel Alexander, Dennise Taylor, Benny Holland, Patsy Smith. 94