1956-1957 Yearbook

Sympbonette - ROW ONE: Doris Sue Jones, Gail Shoptaw. Linda Anguish, Eugene Bailey. Loretta HufCard. ROW TWO: Jim Howard, Charles Burks, Pat Street, Finis Caldwell, Marilyn Beal, Bob Claunch. Eddie Baggett, Talmadge Murphy, Larry Bills. Bob Scott. ROW THREE: Claudette DuBois, Don Ruckman, Jim Whitfield. Harding's SYMPHONETIE, under the direction of Prof. Kenneth Davis, attempts to give those playing instruments opportunity to perform. The twenty members, composed of elementary, high school and college students, are interested in furthering musical interest on the campus. During the year the group presented chapel programs and concerts, in addition to performing as pit orchestra for several Lyceum programs . The MOODS, a polished thirteen. piece swing band under the direction of senior George Oliver, made its initial appearance of the year on the "Student Association Presents" program and found an immediate and enthusiastic welcome. Copying the basic style of Glen Miller, combined with other styles for variety, the group entertained audiences in chapel, at social club banquets, special student programs, and over Little Rock television. Mood. - ROW ONE: Harold Sisco. Terryi Wilson, Frank Underwood. Joe Hightower, Perry Mason~ ROW TWO: George Oliver. Don Davis. Lynn Davis. ROW THREE: John Wilson, Willard Davis, Dale Flaxbeard, Lynn Hamman, Neale Pryor.