Bison stan - ROW ONE: Jackie Anguish , Lucia DuBois. Lanny Faris, Wallace Alexander. Gayle Claunch, Melba Montgomery. ROW TWO: Nancy Curz, Hilda Earls, Martha Tucker. Sandra Phillips. Sue Gary, Mary Hopper, Juanita eJi!t, Sandra Landreth, Cynthia Ballwey. ROW THREE: Calvin Downs, Don Rusk, Guy McEfan, Tony Pippen, Don Humphrey. Bill O'Daniel , Jo Wilson, Pat Wallace Alexander Lanny Fari s Tony Pippen Guy McHand Herman Alexander, Sue Gary Dewey Brown Dale Porterfield Ottis Hilburn Walt Gilfilen Lewis Stewart Neil Cope Herman Wes t Editor Business Manager Associate Editor Assistant Business Manager Don Humph rey Religious Editors Society Editor Sports Editor News Editor A rtist Photographer Circulation Manager Faculty Advisor Printer Teague. Faculty Advisor - Prof. Ne il Cope wi th his family . Distribution of the Bison on Wednesday causes a typical rush for the Student Center to read campus news.