\ ) Sophomores "Thought I'd Learned It All Last Year" .--~ Sophomore Class Officers - "Peachy" Hightower, secretary; Jim Holleman, vice-president; Freddy Massey, president. Class Spoll5Or - Cliff Ganus 58 A bit surprised that after one year in college so much remained to be learned, the sophomore class quickly set about to correct the situation. After the swirl of campaign dust cleared, this being the first year upperclassmen campaigned for office, activities got underway. Not even the rainy season stopped the determined sophomores. Even though the rain fell in torrents on the evening of their first social event, the class of '59 held a weiner roast in the gym. Amid games and entertainment the cold, wet weather was soon forgotten. Being on the "giving end" during social club pledge week is one of the sophomore's rewarding experiences, and, as freshmen will testify, full advantage was taken of the situation. Group social life closed for the year with the spring outing as the class eagerly looked forward to their third year of college. .. . ." ........ I ' .. ,. • •