1956-1957 Yearbook

rArf I , r{ lfr / I r; I I ' ' ' ' The Petit Jean 1957 HARDING COLLEGE SEARCY, ARKANSAS VOLUME XXXIII One of the major aims of everyone attending Harding is to become a part of her way of life, to feel that we belong here, that we are accepted here , and that we are needed here. In time we succeed in this endeavor, and find that not only have we become a part of Harding but she a part of us. It seems only a moment after we make this discovery that our time is up, and we must leave. In order to keep you in contact with life here, and especially as it unfolded this year, 1956-57, the yearbook staff has attempted to bind up a part of Harding - your part - between the covers of this book. Throughout future years may this volume serve to remind you not only of your days at Harding, but also of the Christian ideals and objectives for which our Alma Mater stands. B HEBERT L. STEWART, EDITOR EDSEL HUGHES, BUS INESS MANAGER DR. JOSEPH E. PRYOR, FACULTY ADVISOR