The Staff -- These ~xpedite I-Iarding's Progress Rheba Stout BcrryhiU, B. A., Receptionist, College Infirmary; Billie Dixon Buchanan, Cashier, Business Office; Vinita Lou Buchan- ,n, Sec. to Field Representative; Lauralie Byrd, Staff Sec.; Ann Cigrang, Sec. of Dept. of Bible and Religion. Madge Cloud, Sec. Student Placement Office; Gertrude Dykes. Mgr. of College Book Store: John Lee Dykes, M. S ., Director of Student Center ; Mabel French, R. N. , College Nurse; Raymond French , Maintenance. Edward K. Gurganus, Mgr. , College Inn; Corinne Hart. College Dietitian and Mgr. of Cafeteria; Joyce Johnson, Postmistress; Delores Larwin, Sec., Alumni Office; Margaret Long, Sec. to Dean of the College. Sherley Lucille Lovelace, Sec., Student PerIOnnel Office; Ralph L. Martin, Stockroom Clerk; Marguerite O'Banion, B. A. . Sec. to the Pres.; Edwina Pace, Sec. to the VicePres.; BiUie Patterson, Staff Sec. Greg Rhodes, Mgr. of College Laundry; Jess Rhodes, M.B.A.. Asst. Business Mgr. and Student Work Coordinator; Harry B. Risinaer, Maintenance Dept .; Dorma Lee Rogers, Sec. to Director of Publicity and Publications; Billie Rowlett, Accountant. ltassen L. Simmons, Director of Publicity and Publications; Ludene Slatton, B. A., Asst. Registrar; Loyd Lewis Smith, Field Representative; Robert Street, Mgr. of CoIIeee Farm; Ann Sullins, Faculty Sec. Buford D. Tucker, Executive-Sec. of the Alumni Assoc.; LoU Tucker, B. A., Office Mgr., Business Oflice; Elbert Turman, Col - lege Engineer; Hennan West, Mgr. of College Press; Mary Ann Whitaker, B. A.. Asst. to the Director of Publicity and Publications; Edwina WiIlOll, Counselor, Cathcart. 27