William Knox Summitt Adlai S. Croom Inez Pickens ZZ Administrative William Knox Summitt, registrar of Harding College, also heads the Department of Psychology and is Director of Admissions. He recei ved the B. A. degree from Union University, the M. A. from George Peabody College, the Ph. D. from the University of Missouri, and did post doctoral study at the University of Indiana. In addition to his teaching experience of twentyeight years, he is a member of many professional organiza tions . Adali S. Croom, business manager of Harding College for the past eight years, received his B.A. degree a t the University of Louisville and his M.A. at Harvard. He became president of Arkansas Christian College in 19ZZ. After teaching at Washburn College, Topeka, Kansas, he spent nineteen years in the insurance business. Mrs. Inez Pickens, Harding's dean of women, is considered both a friend and counselor to the students. Along with the responsibilities of this position she finds time to teach English at the Harding Academy. Mrs. Pickens attended the University of Oklahoma and Harding College, receiving the B. A. degree from the latter in 1946.