New Members Initiated By Candlelight Hats! Gloves! Canes! This means that Sub-Deb pledges are around. This fall eleven pledges suffered through the informal initiation and were later formally initiated at Pat Street' s home with the traditional candlelight ceremony. Before embarking on the Christmas holidays, . the members gathered at Mrs. Vanderpool's home for a Christmas party. Sub-Debs and dates entered the "Land of Hearts" for the annual banquet, with Gorden Teel delivering the after-dinner speech and Jake Engles and John Wilson providing the musical entertainment. SUB DEB Sub-Debs take a between class break to make banquet plans. Pat Street ................ ............ ..... .... .............. President Lou Alice Martin Vice-President Aileen Wilbur ..................... .. .................................... Secretary-Treasurer Carolyn Lewis ... ............ ..... Reporter Mrs. Hallye Vanderpool . ... .. .. ................ Sponsor Sub-Deb - ROW ONE: Linda Bailey. Sonja McDougald, Sandra Bolding, Mary Lou Billingsly. Lou Alice Martin. ROW TWO: Margaret Bell, Lynn Gardner, Carolyn Houser, Aileen Wilbur, Myra Cope, Jill Davis. ROW THREE: Pat Street, Blenda Roberts, Mrs. Hallye Y. Vanderpoo1. NOT PICTURED: Shirley Bryant, Shelby Carter.