1956-1957 Yearbook

"I'm for fried eggs." Ronald Kersh Glen McNeese Pete Williams ... Bob Lacy Eddie Baggett Twelve New Members Added In a joint initiation with the Vikings, the Zeta Kappa Taus this year initiated twelve new members at Hobo Island. After initiation both clubs were served refreshments at the Baggett home. The formal banquet, held in the Terrace Room of the Mayfair Hotel, had as a theme "Moonlight and Roses." In place of the usual speaker ZKTs and dates enjoyed a movie, "Holiday in Arkansas." As a project the club bought a new medicine chest to be carried on athletic trips and chorus trips. Spring found the club members at Camp Wyldewood, helping at the annual spring clean up day. A late spring outing closed the club's social events for the year. ZKT President ......... .... ........... .................... Vice-President ............ . Secretary-Treasurer ....................... ...... .... ........ Sergeant-at-arms ............. .... ... ...... ....................... Sponsor Z.K.T. - ROW ONE: Art Cornwall, Alan Robb, John Phifer, Bob Tiffin. ROW TWO: Roger Lacy, Pete Williams, Donald Kersh, Glen McNeese, Bob Lacy: ROW THREE: Frank Underwood, Eddie McLure, Bob Holmquest, Darrell Dawson, G. E. Baggett. NOT PICTURED: Joe Buehrle.