S. T. A. R. - ROW ONE: Pat Snyder, Rheba Jo Berryhi1l, Sue Stout, Kerry Arnett, Ann Stanley. ROW TWO: Layne Mahan, Melba Stepp, Nancy Knott, Joyce Knight, Naita Jean Berryhill. ROW THREE: Mrs. Andy Ritchie, Norma Starford, Beth French, Kay North. cut, Pat Neal. NOT PICTURED: Gloria Durham. STAR FALL Patsy Snyder SPRING President ...................... Nancy Knott Nancy Knott . ....... ....... . Vice-President ....... Rheba Jo Berryhill Gloria Durham Secretary Kay Northcut Gloria Durham . .... ....... . Treasurer Pat Neal Naita Jean Berryhill Mrs. Andy T. Ritchie "Lees Pretend We're In Spain" By STARS Ten new members were initiated into the STAR club in the traditional candlelight ceremony at the home of Mrs. Andie T . Ritchie, club sponsor. The new girls joined forces with the old members to make the banquet, their first big social activity, a success. "Let's Pretend We're in Spain" was the theme with yellow, orange, green and white being the color scheme. A king and queen were selected to reign over the evening, as Andy T. Ritchie provided the entertainment. Adding to the year's pleasant memories were the two slumber parties held in the home of Beth French. Scrapbook Keeper Sponsor One Star is about to be pushed out of the picture. 199