1956-1957 Yearbook

K-9 _ ROW ONE: Chris Dean , Jerry Nevins. James Lawson. Ken Simmons, Tommy Bryant. Carl eton Burke, Dale Essary. ROW TWO: Harold Valentine, Gerald Casey, Bubba Davis . Don Berryhill. Bill Williams. Bill Smith , Hugh Groover, Ben Camp, Bob Cope, Jim McLeod, Jim Howard , Jack Rhodes, Angelo Padilla . NOT PICTURED: Timmy Rhodes. Charles Van Winkle, Mike Graddy, Charles Martin, Roy Shinl ey, Fl-ank West, Fred West, Warren Johnson, Larry McDonald . Charles Davis Gerald Casey Timmy Rhodes Ben Camp Charles Martin Hugh Groover .... "Yeah , mom, this hair do is all the style." K·9 President Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer ........... Sergeant-at-arms Reporter Sponsor Oldes~ Academy Club Now Larges~ The K-9 Club is the oldest of the high school boys' clubs. It was originally called the Nine Knights as it had nine charter members, but it is now the Academy's largest club. This year the club held its traditional cowboy banquet with the theme "K-Bar-9 Ranch, Groover Gulch." Eighteen pledges learned the forgotten art of pushing pennies and rolling barrel hoops. Initiation was completed with a feast of raw eggs and oysters. 196