1956-1957 Yearbook

Dramatic! Club - ROW ONE: Linda Bail ey. Lola Margaret Speak, Mary Claire Stapleton , Latina Dykes, Sue Stout, Mary Lou Billingsly. Lou Ali ce Martin . ROW TWO: Myra Cope. Wanda Green. Naita Jean Berryhill, Rheba Jo Berryhill , Kerry Arnett, Beth French, Melba Stepp, Mrs . Haney Y. Vanderpool. ROW THREE: Frank Underwood. Norma Stafford. Blenda Roberts, Lynn Gardner, Kay Northcutt, Ann Stanley, Carolyn Houser, Joyce Knight. Bob Cope. ROW FOUR: Jim McLeod. Clyde Jolliff , Billy Sue Rhodes. Ben Camp, Don Berryhill, John Matthews. Bob Norton, Joe Baldwin, Jim Harding. NOT PICTURED: Eddie MeLure, Rosalind King . Dramatics Provides Hold on Angelo, Pete seems to be getting carried away. F'Yom the looks of things Mrs. Vanderpool isn't on the set. i:ntertainment, Training Those interested in dramatics met with Mrs. Hallye Vanderpool to organize the Academy Playhouse. They began the year with a masquerade party of literary characters, later sponsoring "Pink Magic. " Under the leadership of Jim McLeod, president, Ben Camp, vice-president, Norma Stafford, secretary-treasurer, and Frank Underwood, rcporter, they enacted scenes from "The Merchant of Venice" at the regular club meetings. Academy stage hands have much to do before curtain time.