Key Club - ROW ONE: Timmy Rhodes, Don Berryhill, Angelo PadiJla, Charles Davis, Alvin Williams, Jim Howard, Glen McNeese. ROW TWO: Perry Mason, Jim UcLeod. Bill Smith, Joe Baldwin, Bob Norton, Bob Holmquist, Jack Rhodes. Bob Lacy. Eddie McLure. Bill Williams, Carlton Burke. NOT PICTURED: Larry Ford, Bill Cannon, Robert Kissire, Chris Dean. For Service To Others The KEY CLUB, affiliated with Kiwanis, is a service organization. This year the group organized Junior K, the first junio/" high service club in the history of Kiwanis Internationa l. Among its projects was the purchase of a public address system for the Citizenship Club - ROW ONE: Jim McCleod, Naita Jean Berryhill, Bettye May Ritchie, Rosalind King, Charles Martin. ROW TWO: Perry Mason, Timothy Rhodes, William Williams, Monroe Davis, Wayne Casey, Donald Berryhill. football field , the "Athletic Banquet," and the selling of Packer 's Charm Soap to finance the Qilier projects. School service projects included locker inspection, selling tickets to school functions, and managing the concession booth at athletic contests. This club, composed of ten members elected by the students themselves on the basis of good citizenship and service to the school, strives to improve student-faculty relations, and to promote good citizenship. This year they gave a chapel program, and the main project was an all-school party.