1956-1957 Yearbook

Jonnie Sue Gattis displays the delivery that made her a~ outstanding softball pitcher. Girls Softball All-Stars - ROW ONE: Jean Langston, Jannie Sue Gattis, Sylvia Lemmons, Louella Wilson. ROW TWO: Betty Peters, Barbara Galyan. ROW THREE: Ruth Anderspn, Betty Floyd, Ann Belue, Glenda Calvert, CaroHne Hamm, Wilma Campbell, Charlene Kimbro, Peachy Hightower. Girls Softball Champs - ROW ONE Caroline Hamm, Betty Peters, Jean Langston. ROW TWO: Ruth Anderson, Jannie Sue Garris, Loretta Haltom. Increased Interest The women's intramural program got underway this year with softball. Anderson 's undefeated Twinkies formed the core of the All-Star championship. Gattis pitched her second no-hitter of the season in the All-Star game. Twelve clubs were represented in the club volleyball tournament, and they provided lots of excitement for both players and spectators; ·the Delta Chis won witJ, a 10-1 record. Belue's intramural volleyball team emerged as champs with an 8-2 standing. The female cagers shared the spotlight at the Bison All -Star game. The team, captained by Floyd and Anderson, bowed to Belue's team 46-44; Barnes rolled in 21 points to capture the high point title. Intramural basketball Volleyball Champs--J08n Dinkins. Ann Belue, Nan Lusk, Frances Dilday, Jo Chafin, Pat Young.