1956-1957 Yearbook

I i Garrett Timmerman - '56-'57 winner oC the sports trophy. Softball Champs, Sub T-16 - ROW ONE: Bob Mitchell, Dale Flaxbeard, Red Norwood, Dick Johnson, Sam Kitching, Bob Wallace, Garrett Timmerman. ROW TWO: Cliff Ganus, Herb Dean, John Vanderpool, Ed Gurganus, Wayne Arnold, Harold Vanderpool, Roy Vanderpool, Rip Van Winkle. Ragball Champs, The Sub-Ts - ROW ONE: Ed Hightower, Dale Flaxbeard, Harold Norwood, Bill Belue, Sam Kitchen, Billy Johnson, Don Stringer, Ed Gurganus, Johnny 'Thornton. ROW TWO: Cliff Ganus, Tom Wofford, Wayne Arnold, Dick Johnson, John Vanderpool, Roy Vanderpool, Marvin Garner, Garrett Timmerman, Harold Vanderpool, John VanWinkle, Guy McHand. ROW THREE: Joe Hightower, Don Humphrey, Weldon Hendrix, Jack Baldwin, Joe Maxwell, Bob Wallace, Rayburn Knight, Bud Barrentine, Bob Mitchell, Jay Griffin, Herb Dean. To Prominence Club sports are one of the new additions to Harding's sports program. Returning to prominence after taking a backseat to intramural athletics for several years, club contests proved to be one of the most popular forms of recreation during 1956-57. The real importance of athletic tournaments is to create a greater spirit within the clubs themselves and build more understanding between boys social clubs. Softball initiated the school year in club competition with Sub-Ts edging out the Sigma Tau Sigma club and Mohicans in close contests. Ragball also went in favor of the shipmen, but not until after a hair-raising game with the Sigma Taus which ended 18-13 in favor of the Sub-Ts. In the Club Volleyball Champs, The Sigma Taus - ROW ONE: George Webber, Pete Stone, Dewey Brown, Ellis Williams, Gerald Ransom. ROW TWO: Calvin Downs, Ted Lloyd, Dave Richards, Ed Falkner, High Wilkins. ROW THREE: Jim Phillips, Don Stillinger Herb Stewart, Joe Hunnicutt, Ken Vanderpool. Towering Dave Richards matches Ron Bever at the net with a spike. 162