Junior Smith goes up for a jump shot as an unidentified defender vainly tries to block the shot. Includes Faculty, Grads of Cliff Ganus, who made a habit of slamming home runs and throwing brusing blocks. He hit four consecutive homers on one occassion, a feat which has never been equaled at Harding. The seniors took Tennis Champs, The Juniors _ Pete Stone, Dave Eldridge, Calvin Downs. Class Basketball Champs, The Seniors - ROW ONE: Terry Stine, Edsel Hughes, Charlie Weeks, Glen Moore. ROW TWO: Charlie Thacker, Wallace Alexander, Bill Gentry. the basketball crown. The tournament featured such stars as Dave Richards, Ted Lloyd, Keith Boler, Harold Norwood, and Dale Flaxbeard. ·The sophomores and juniors experienced a very lean year. Class Baseball Champs, The Freshmen - ROW ONE: Wayne Knight, Phil Futrell, Dick Johnson, Bobby Glover, Joe .Hightower. ROW TWO: Ken Harrison, Freddy Massey, Jerry Mitchell, Doyle Wood, Don RuckArthur Voyles. Stan shows the form that made him an outstanding tennis player. 161