Jim Gainey really tees off in a crucial minor league baseball game. Major League Champs, The Braves - ROW ONE: Jerry Mitchell, Ken Harrison, Gil Kirkbride, Benny Sanders. ROW TWO: Ron Hall, Garrett Timmerman, Jim Christian, Jack Meredith, Dale Flaxbeard. Baseball Begins Spring Sports • • • The smell of freshly cut clover and an exhilarating atmosphere soothed by a warm sun quickly turns the young man's fancy to the baseball diamond. Exhibiting some of the best talent to be found in the state of Arkansas, Harding's tough diamond Major League All~Stan - ROW ONE: Byron Futrell, Phil Fu~ trell. Edsel Hughes, Garrett Timmerman, Benny Sanders, Harold Norwood. ROW T\VO; Wayne Knight, Boyd Garner, Glen Moore. Vernon Massey, Bill Sta((ord, Joe Hightower, Dick Johnson, Dale Flaxbeard. program presented both a major league and a minor league. The Braves, led by Benny Sanders and Gar· rett Timmerman, took top honors in the major circuit, but fell before a talent packed all-star team. Top minor league jewels went to the zealous Barons. Minor League A11~Stars - ROW ONE: Bob Speer, Bill Diles, De~ wayne Davenport, JIoger Todd, Bernie Shrable, Gary Turner. ROW TWO: Paul Evans, Jim Whitehead, Bernard Shrable, Bob Sullins. Bill Moore, Harold Vanderpool. Herb Stewart, Darrel Skinner. 158