Tri Sipa Delta - ROW~ONE: Jim Christian, Tony Pippen, Lewis Stewart, Bill Powers. ROW TWO: Alfred Couch, Sherman Wallace, Mary Helms, Dan Elkins, Don Helms. ,ROW THREE: Don Rusk, Jim Atkinson, 'Thomas Edwards, Don Edwards, Bill Moore, R. E. Pitre. NOT PICTURED: Boyce Helms, Mac Angel, Jim Chandler, Jesse Scott, Jim Moore, Ed Brewer, Bob Hamm, Bill Whittle, Doyle Wood. TRI SIGMA DELTA Bill Powers Tony Pippen Sugar Stewart AI Couch . Jim Atkinson UF un For All" A mid-year actIvIty of the Tri Sigs was to sponsor the Moods, Harding's newest band, in a Christmas program. The theme "Fun for All" was selected for the formal banquet, held January 19 at the Rendezvous Restaurant. For a club project, members helped to raise money for the Heart Fund Dr ive. The Tri Sigs "got away from it all" for a day on the spring outing. Several stag outings were held during the year. Mary Helms represented the club in the Petit Jean Queen contest. 149 President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Sponsor Tii 'Sigs trying to look intelligent.