W.H.C. - ROW ONE: Eleanor Weaver, Carol Trent, Jan Kimpel, Susie Bryant Floyd. Dortha Putman, Nell Lamb , Emile Travis. ROW TWO: Naomi Pitcock, Glenda McFarlin, Iris McElroy. Frances Cherry. Janie Coil , Loretta Halton, . Mary Dunn, Grace Gardner, Yvonne White, Ann Thompson , Barbara Childs, Jeanette Harrington, Carolyn Giles, Betty Buchanan. NOT PICfURED: Marva Jo Shupe. FALL Eleanor Weaver Betty Buchanan Mary Dunn Dortha Putman Mrs. W. B. West, Jr. WHC SPRING Eleanor Weaver President Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer ....... Reporter . Tillie Watson - ... Emilie Travis Carol Trent ............................... Sponsor What's in the bowl, Susie? Pledges Served Diet Of "Cooked Upu Stunts 148 As the oldest girl 's social club on the campus, the WHCs· proudly wear the name of Woodson Harding Comrades, in recognition of the outstanding service of Mrs. J. N. Armstrong to young women. These fun-loving girls cooked fried chicken and "fixin's" for their annual "Country Supper." Ingenious initiation stunts were also "cooked up" for twelve new pledges, with the atmosphere of Halloween adding a spookier-than-usual touch tb the informal initiation. Meetings were highlighted by numerous parties, suppers, and bunking parties at the lovely home of Mrs. W. B. West, including the formal acceptance party for new members. One of the projects for the year was "peanut week" for dormitory girls. April was the month for the outing -the third big function of the year .