Regina - ROW ONE: Beverly Pryor, Jean Hobby, Sue Young, Shirley Fort, Marilyn Davis, Lavonne Thompson. ROW TWO: Dot Goodwin, Faye Berry, Nancy Nagel, Nancy Stovall, Betty Floyd, Lois Robertson, Nadine Pate, Earlene Shewmaker. ROW THREE: Kathleen Payne, Elaine Foren, Rosemary Kendrick, Charlene Harris, Peggy Robertson, Yvonne Vincent, Beverly Thayer, Bessie Mae Pryor. NOT PICTURED: Claudette Harris, Ann Belue, Barbara Bush. FALL Claudette Harris Dottie Goodwin Elaine Foren Shirley Fort Nadine Pate Betty Ann Floyd Mrs. Joe Pryor Bessie Mae Pryor, club sponsor, at the formal initiation. 142 REGINA President V ice-President Secretary-Treasurer ...... Reporter . Historian Sergeant-at-Arms SPRING Nadine Pate Shirley Fort Rosemary Kendrick Peggy Robertson Vonnie Vincent Ann Belue . Sponsor Reginas ~nter Dolly Drive Regina pre-pledging activities included "work" parties to prepare sa tin crowns soon to be donned by the thirteen lovely newcomers chosen to become club members. Events highlighting the first semester included the acceptance tea, the initiation ceremony, a bunking party at the home of Mrs. Joe Pryor, and a slumber party at the home of Charlene Harris at which the girls prepared entries for the 1956 Dolly Drive. The second semester began with a banquet, February 16, at the Rendezvous where Reginas and dates dinned and were entertained in regal splendor. The climax of an enjoyable year was the annual outing to Petit Jean State Park.