M.E.A. - ROW ONE: Josephine Hunt, Grace Anne GilfiJen, Sylvia Lemmons, Mary Ann Vaughn, Carolyn Ainsworth. ROW TWO: Shirley WiUiams, Jane Goins, Anita McEachern . Mary Beth Sitz, Shelby Overman, Johnnie Vaughn, Martha Crowell. ROW THREE: Zena Street, Jane Waller, Nancy Carver, Martha Ann Jenkins, Mary King, Patricia Young, Mrs. Benny Gallaway. This is initiation? MU ETA ADElPHIAN FALL SPRING Mary Ann Vaughn Zena Street President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer ............ .. ........ Reporter Pat Jordan Martha Crowell Joan Dinkens Carolyn Ainsworth Mary Beth Sitz Historian .. ........ Sponsor Pat Young .............. ..... ... Johnnie Vaughn Shelby Overman Martha Crowell Mrs. Benny Gallaway . 134 King And Queen Reign At tt Ball " October saw fifteen happy pledges trapped to run the gantlet of MEA pledge week. They survived a week of stunts and servitude-wearing dunce caps and carrying fantastically imaginary animals. Subdued pledges gathered around the symbolic r ed, white, green, yellow and blue candles for an impressive formal initiation, followed by a reading of the revised constitution. Then came a dizzy night of the not-so-formal initiation at the home of Zena Street, capped by a bunking party at Mrs. Benny Gallaway's home. The King and Queen of Hearts reigned over the Valentine Ball, the annual banquet held at the Roseann. Project of the year was to furnish new equipment for the school park. Petit Jean State Park was the scene of the spring outing.