Steak Supper, Wagon And Faculty Directory An open-fire steak supper at the home of sponsor Kenneth Davis began an active year for the Galaxys. Professor Davis also was host to the club initiation which was held on his farm. A Christmas party given by Jim Mahaffy provided another delightful evening. The traditional formal banquet was held this year at the Mayfair Hotel. The club decorated the banquet room with wagons and stars in keeping with their. theme, "Hitch Your Wagon to a Star." Guest speaker for the occasion was Gordon Teel, minister o(the College Congregation. For a project the Galaxys installed a faculty directory in the lobby of the administration building. GALAXY Jump, pledge, it's only six feet! Eugene Byrd Bill Craddock Jack Ryan Paul Grubbs Kenneth Davis President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer ......................... Sponsor Galaxy - ROW ONE: Cloyce Odom, Dale Starr, Mary Ann Powell. Jim Whitfield, Jim Mahaffy. ROW TWO: Bill Craddock, Richard Miller, Eugene Byrd, Robert Lee Williams, Jim Hughes. ROW THREE: Ken Davis, Jr.. Leo Shook, Jack Ryan, Paul GrubbS', Neal Stotts.