Kappa Phi - ROW ONE: Jimmie Porter, Rosann Harrell, Louella Wilson, Ann Bobo, Ruth Skelton, Doris Lee Jones, Carolyn Brookshier. ROW TWO: Carol Watson, Shirley Crocker, Anita McCracken, Carolyn Gelley, Mahota Mitchell, Caroline Hamm, Carole Thomas, Betty Neill. ROW THREE. Barbara Greene, Pat Huckabee, Kay Schweining, Marilyn Beal, Jo Wilson, Myrna Morford, Gloria Larwin, LaNelle Cutts. NOT PICTURED: Mrs. ErIe Moore. FALL Shirley Crocker Gloria Larwin KAPPA PHI President SPRING Marilyn Beal ........... . V ice-President Secretary Treasurer ...... Reporter . Doris Jones Gloria Larwin Carole Thomas Anita McCracken Ann Bobo Sponsor Doris Jones Caroline Hamm Mrs. ErIe T. Moore Marilyn performs for Kappa Phis. 130 Stork Visits Campus; Leaves Baby Club Look what the stork brought! Yes, it was a baby-a baby club, born this year and named Kappa Phi. The proud parents were eight charter members. Fifteen pledges went through a "glorious" week of being called "wonns," as well as a few other things. The climax of pledge week was a formal initiation in the home of the sponsor, Mrs. Erle T. Moore. Shortly after initiation, the new members treated their pledge masters to a hamburger fry as a token of "appreciation." The highlight of the year was the Christmas Toyland banquet held at the Rendezvous, December 7. Other activities on the agenda included swimming parties, bunking parties, breakfast at Bee Rock, and an all day outing in the spring.