Banquet I-lighlight Of Spring DIs and dates visited a "Winter Wonderland" at the Rendezvous Restaurant on February 19, the date of their formal banquet. Fried chicken and all "the trimmings" was served buffet style, amid an atmosphere that was anything but chilly. The spring "run for the woods" was taken to Petit Jean State Park where everyone enjoyed the traditional baked ham, strawberries and ice cream. Sue Paxson was chosen as club queen and representative in the Petit Jean Queen Contest. DELTAIOTA FALL DIs and sponsor Jim Atteberry. SPRING Glenn Organ .......... . Joe Darrah Lanny Faris Don Pate President Vice-President Parliamentarian Secretary-Treasurer Don Pate Joe Darrah Ray Hester ...... ... Herman Hughes Jim Atteberry .. .......... Sponsor Delta Iota - ROW ONE: Lanny Faris. Ray Hester, Sue Paxson, Bill Thomas, Don Pate. ROW TWO: Wayne Cooper, Ozy Murphey, Bill Morgan, Dan DahJgren. ROW THREE: Jerry Wainwright, Glaman Hughes, Bobby Scha]es, Jerry Westbrook. Raleigh Wood. ROW FOUR: Herman Hughes, Joe Darrah, Glenn Organ, Bill Q'Daniel. NOT PICTURED: Jerry Martin, Richard Gee, Harold Sisco, Jim Norsworthy, Louis Whitting, Allan Childress, Jim Atteberry.