Are these pledges hungry, sick, or frustrated? FALL Betty Leopard Marilyn Garrett . Charlene Kimbro Sandra Phillips Nancy Kurz Mrs. Cecil Beck I-Iarding Belles Relive Old South Theme More than twenty years ago, the Ju Go Ju Club was formed. All through the years the club has planned and participated in banquets, outings, and their yearly club project, the May Fete. Each fall the old members enjoy a week of giving commands to pledges. Among other duties, the " lowly ones" must plan and prepare a breakfast for old members. The annual banquet was held at the Rendezvous. A theme depicting the Old South made a perfect setting for the speaker, Clifton L. Ganus, originally from New Orleans. The May Fete really begins at 6 a.m. each morning during the month of April, but on May 1, all the hours of practice payoff-if it doesn't rain. Following May day, the girls hold a yearly outing for a day of relaxation. JU GO JU President Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer ..... Reporter . ... Song Leader . SPRING Nina Harvey Sandra Phillips Nancy Kurz Sandra Landreth Mary Redwine Sponsor Ju Go Ju - ROW ONE: Sandra Phillips, Yvonne Fagan, Nancy Kurz, Judy Magee, Charlene Kimbro, Joy Edwards, Nina Harvey, Fran Troy. ROW TWO: Dot Beck, Catherine Eddy, Mary Lou Williams, Kaye WiUiams, Mary Redwine, Martha Weatherly, Sandra Landreth. ROW THREE: Sandra Disch, Mary Hill Helms, Roberta Rhodes. Frances Ramsey, Margie Krilenbrink, Marilyn Garrett, Pat Sutherlin, Betty Leopard. NOT PICTURED: Genia Morgan.