1956-1957 Yearbook

Harding Social Clubs Unique, Practical Harding's social clubs are unique and practical organizations-unique in that they are not national fraternities or sororities and practical in serving worth-while purposes. First, they bring students together, allowing them to "get acquainted." Secondly, they perform noteworthy projects, such as placing hymnbooks in the new dorm, supplying trophy cases, clothing the needy, or any number of similar tasks. Activity is lethargic or spasmodic until the all important "pledge week." From that eventful moment forward activity begins to accelerate. The first functions are stag outings for the men, and bunking parties for the women. The tempo increases as winter comes and "formal" banquets flourish. Then comes the migration of Hardingites to the ou tdoors for fun packed spring outings. Interspersed between the social functions are the club athletic contests. Each group enters the games with desire and energy, yet observing real Christian sportsmanship. Except for farewell parties club activity terminates with track and field day late in the spring. Pledge week! The anxiously awaited, long remembered comedy that starts social club activity rolling. Club members are brought closer together through club projects. This year Sigma Taus chose to erect a new welcome sign. Sub-Ts carry out the corpse in their chapel program. AEX, in its first year oC operation, cleared the campus of timber after tree experts completed their work. Kappa Phis serve hotcakes and sausage on an early morning excursion to Wyldewood.