Honor Students Nancy Nagel Joe Hightower National Recognition For Alpha I-Ionor Society In the spring of 1936, the Alpha Honor Society was organized on the Harding campus for the purpose of promoting and recognizing high scholarship among the students. From 1936 through the spring of 1956, 128 students have been elected to membership. In the fall of 1956 the Alpha Honor society petitioned ALPHA CHI, National Honor ScholarsJiip Society, that a chapter of ALPHA CHI be established at Harding College. On March 1, 1957, the Arkansas Eta Chapter of ALPHA CHI was installed by Dr. Paul C. Witt of Abilene Christian College. Membership in ALPHA CHI is restricted to the upper ten per cent of the junior and senior classes. In addition, juniors must have achieved a 3.70 scholarship index, and seniors a 3.50 index, on all college work taken prior to election. Good moral character is an essential qualification for membership. All former members of the Alpha . Honor Society are associate members of the Arkansas Eta Chapter of ALPHA CHI. Alpha Chi Society - ROW ONE: Louis Eckstein, Dick Richardson, Billy Cox, !)oTis Lee Jones, Betty Brumley, Louise Shults, Annelle Northcutt, Neale Pryor, J. D. Ewing, Truman Scott. ROW TWO; Harold Vanderpool, Ronald Bever, James Chandler, Norman Dykes, Bobby Holloway, Lyndal York, John Vanderpool, Stan Schwartz, Eugene Bailey. NOT PICTURED: Larry Horn.