1956-1957 Yearbook

Students settle down for an evening of television entertainment in the Cathcart reception room. • And Recreation Athletic interests are met through Harding's excellent intramural sports program. Outings, such as this, are a vital part of college liCe. Although the work of our forefathers was arduous and their hardships were many, they had their occasions of festivities and relaxation . In the early years of our country, hunting and exploring the vast frontier wilderness challenged the attention of many. Also, the diversity of household du ties gave variety and prevented their way of life from becoming routine and monotonous. However, they had their clambakes, log rollings, turkey shoots, fiddling contests and community sings. Harding provides many types of wholesome recreation for her students. The excellent intramural sports program and open periods for play in the gym enable students to participate as well as to watch. The lyceum series and several art, dramatic, forensic, journalistic and music organizations afford excellent recreational opportunities.