Student Interests The HOME ECONOMICS CLUB, sponsored by Mrs. Guy Thompson, does as much to be of service to· others as to the club members themselves. This year at their Christmas party each girl brought a toy for some orphan. Their outstanding social was a dinner with Miss Alma Keys, the state home economics supervisor, as special guest. An award was also given to the outstanding girl in home economics. Encouraging good health habits and contributing to a more healthful environment on the Harding Campus is the objective of the STUDENT HEALTH ASSOCIATION. Under the direction of Mrs. Mabel French, the club sponsored a first aid class taught by pre-med students. The members became active in their campaign by assisting in the campus infirmary. The SALESMANS CLUB is composed of individuals who defray college expenses by selling Bibles door-to-door during the summer. Plans are now being made to include those interested in other types of selling as well. Its purpose is to aid in developing better salesmen, fostering higher ideals of salesmanship, and interesting others in selling. LOS RANCHEROS was organized to acquaint students with the language, custom, and tradition of Latin American countries. At the bi-monthly meeti ngs films concerning life "south of the border" were shown. The 25 members kept busy with various activities, including a chapel program. Rome Economic Club - SEATED: Shirley Venable, Pat Jordan, Janiece Helm, Grac~ Murphy. Sandra Collins, Nadine Tyler, Joy Edwards, Myrna Morford, Mary Jo Putnam, Hilda Milligan, Maric Knight, Donna Wise, Willene Rhodes. STANDING: Mrs. Elaine Thompson, Marilyn Garrett, Carole Thomas, Barbara Greene, LaNelle Cutts. Betty Neill, Nina Harvey. Nancy Stovall, Annette Hendrix, Dorothy Callaway, Martha Crowell, Peggy Robertson. Stadent Health Association - ROW ONE: Norman Dykes. Marilyn Rausch, Stan Schwartz, Jim Borden. ROW TWO: Betty Clark, Barbara Harris, Martha Weatherly, Dennise Taylor, ROW THREE: Jim Holleman, Jr., Lee Winters, Jan Lewis, Alice Stewart. David Adcox. IaIetrnans Club - ROW ONE: Jim Phillips, Tony Pippen. Ken Getter, Jesse Fleming. ROW TWO: Jim Gainey, Weldon Hendrix, Glenn Moore, Don Humphrey, Ken Vanderpool, Robert WiJlianu, Herb Stewart. .... Rancheros - ROW ONE: Jan Lester, Bonnie Cates , Wanda Adair, Hilda Milligan, Mary Ann PowelL ROW TWO: Shirley Lovelace, Carolyn Privitt, Norma Francis, Joyce West, Joe Cuellar. ROW THREE: Bob Tipton, Clarence Lovelace, Jim Walters, Farley Aiken, Roger Brown, Jack Meredith .