1956-1957 Yearbook

Diversified Organizations To serve the Harding family and to propagate the ideals of Harding College--this is the purpose of the CIRCLE K CLUB in its third year on our campus. One of the club's many outstanding projects was to assist new and returning students moving into the dorms. The club also placed new signs downtown pointing the way to the campus and carried on a weekly radio program featuring Harding talent. To promote interest and study in the visual arts is the aim of the BOHEMIAN CLUB. under the direction of Mrs. Perry Mason and Herbert Dean. The group also sponsors programs of VIsual arts on the campus. Among their activities were a costume party and art exhibits. Interest in photography on the Harding campus is promoted by the CAMERA CLUB. The members were especially desirous of learning more about photography and enjoyed interesting lectures and demonstrations at their Sunday afternoon meetings. During the year the organization promoted several contests and exhibi tions and enjoyed a spring function . GERMAN CLUB members are interested. in learning more about German people, custom, language, and culture. Sponsored by Prof. Leslie Burke, the group implemented their purpose by corresponding with the people of Germany, hearing speeches and records in German, and seeing films on Germany. Circle K - ROW ONE: Charles Weeks, Norman Dykes, Larry Bills, Dan Dahlgren, Al vin Cashon, Leon Sizemore. ROW TWO: Dr. Summitt, Guy McHand, Douglas Totty, Lyndal York, Dave McDougall, Lanny Faris. ROW THREE: Lewis Stewart, Bill Dismuke. George Oliver, Bill Morgan, Richard Riley. Bob Petty. Bohemian Club - ROW ONE: Eleanor Weaver, Helen Hendrix, wm Parker, ROW TWO: Wiley Parker, Jean Gentry, Gayle Claunch, Audrey Derryberry. Betty Lou Peters. ROW THREE: Joyce West, Loanna Dirks. Anna Duckworth, Jo Wilson, Mrs. Perry Mason, Martha McKee. Camera Club - ROW ONE: Bob McCormick, Jim Phillips, Hideko Kobayashi, Mary Ann Hopper, Norman Dykes, John Ingalls. ROW TWO: Bill O'Daniel, Lester Parmenter, Mike Canoy. Gennan Club - SEATED: Calvin Downs, Louise Shults, Jo Lilly Alexander, Leslie Burke, Gerald Hunnicutt, Norman Dykes. STANDING: Bill Whittle. Bob McCormick, Lawrence Barclay, W. H.. Wilborn. Jim Walters, Terryl Wilson, Jim Phillips.