oonisticated So homores" - Just I-Ialf Throu h , \ .r -- Sophomore ClaS5 Officers - Bill Floyd, President; Elizabeth Lansdon, Secretary-Treasurer; Pat Teague . Vice-President. Jim Atkinson, Sponsor 97 ~ sweet the revenge! No longer looked down upon as lowly freshmen the sophomores took their places in the life and circles of Harding activities; but first, there was social club pledge week during which time the horrors, trials, and tribulations had to be passed on to the new class of freshmen . The "green" has now begun to fade and there emerges a personality dedicated to God, to the ideals of Harding, and to our new-found friends. Who sh~ll ever forget Howard Flippin and Sue Gary, ·who took first place prizes at the class "Hobo's Christmas" party, which was held in the Emerald Room before the holidays! As its project for the year, the class purchased a record player for the college infirmary. Fun, food, and foolishness were in order in the spring when members of the class staged another "clam bake" on campus, and journeyed out into the woods for an outing.