LORETTA LEE Kearney, Neb. Speech Transfer from Nebraska State Conege; Omega Phi 2, 3, Pres. 3; A Cappella Chorus 2, 3; A Tempo 2; Big Sisters 3. JO ANN SEAY Quinlan, Tex. Elementary Education Tri Kappa 2. 3, 4; ITA 1 ; Hea lth Association 3; May Queen 3; May Court 4. - 1-Atkinson and Davis working out Chorus trip plans. 2-Dr. Polgar trying to hypnotize the cameraman. 3.Prof. Burke's summer school class in Greek. 4-Arter all Wimp, isn't Ed's presence enough? 5-Armstrong at night, the boys burn the midnight oil. 6_u A place of refuge" behind those big glass windows. 7 -Dean Sears' home seen in an unusual setting. 8_U Happy Birthday to you," Delia Beth.