1955-1956 Yearbook

In the fall of each year, hundreds of students pour on to the Campus from over 35 states and several foreign countries. Their first impression, especially freshmen, is that college life is one continuous line. A line which ends, for most, four years later as it marches from the auditorium following graduation exercises. What happens to this line during the year? Its individual components are each separately shaped and molded by Christian love and understandin~ as found on our campus. There are our classes, wh ich mak~ our dreams reality; our campus activities, wh ich aid our growth; and our dorm associations, which teach us love. Dr. Holmes and George work out a schedule; whatever the problcm there's a counsellor to help. The after chapel rush, five minutes in which to check your mail, grab a roll and get to class. 75 Confusi ng to Freshmen, tiresome to upperclassmen, registration lines are tolerated, but not liked. Physicals have an adverse effect on Bill, usually he displayed an amazing ability to frown at cameras. , Carroll, a Sophomore art student. transrering to canvas this still life scene for one of Mrs. Mason's classes.