1955-1956 Yearbook

Student Body President Paul Magee crowns Jane Russell, Petit Jean Queen for 1955. Queen Jane Russell with attendants Peggy Futrell and Bonnie McAdams, Petit Jean Royalty for last year. Lost year's editor, Jane Sutherlin presents the first copy of the 1955 Petit Jean to Clifton Ganus. q) edication Da y is a traditional ceremony on the I larding Campus. At thi s time presentation of the first Petit Jean is made to the person to whom th e annual is dedicated . Selection of thi s person is made by th e senior class. In thi s impressive ceremony. the Petit Jean Quee n is crown ed by th e stud ent body pres id cnt. Rccognition is al so g ivcn to thc Queen 's attenda nt s. cla ss favorites, best-a ll · round boy a nd g irl , and h onor students. The usack suppers" on the lawn, standing in li ne for your Petit Jean , and the rush for autographs a re all a part of Petit Jean Dedi cati oll Day.