1955-1956 Yearbook

Glenda and Marilyn in Home Ec lab. Where's the food ? curriculum has been car efull y designed . In the field of religious training, Harding provides numerous courses in Bible, r eligious educa tion and speech. For those students who plan to be teachers, Harding provides practice teaching fa cilities as a proving ground for educa ti onal theories the student has lea rned in tl,e classroom. Graduates of I-Iarding have made an outstanding record in leading graduate and professional schools and iliey have made a r eal contri - bution to the teaching profession. H er alumni have gone to all part of ilie world as preachers and mi ss ionaries. Harding sincer ely encourages everyone who enters her portals to " tread the path to knowledge" and diligently seeks to provide capable guidance along iliat paili . Evidently Greek is funny - we thought it was hard. Peggy practice teaching in the Harding Academy. • • • Bro . Atkinson pointing out a probl em, or is it a student?