These Were The Minor Sports ~vents Tournaments were held in most of the minor sports events and medals were presented to winners . Such sports as tennis, badminton, horseshoes, table tennis, and archery continued to accompli sh wonders in the development of confidence, coordi - nation, and ini tiative - as well as being a source of fun and relaxation. The participation in such events was quite wide spread. A large number of fellows and g irls turned out for each tournament, making the events more exciting and enjoyable. Jim Ellis, entered as an independent, won the State AAU MiddJ eweight. Boxing Championship at Little Rock. A brother team, Byron and Phil Futrell, were a hard combination to beat at horseshoes. They were doubles champions. Louis Hager shows the (onn that helped the graduates win the class tennis tournament early in the fall. The ping-pong tables were used frequently, Here Glenda Calvert. girls' champion, plays Ray Morris for practice. On a windy. sunshiny day. Betty Floyd and Marty Austin are aiming high, and displaying their skill at archery,