. g her enthusiasm . 1 shot of Miss Mac express m A tYPIC8 es for aU the intramural gam . Softball All-Stars - ROW ONE: Johnnie Vaughn, Jo Holton, Myrna French , Marty Austin, Maggie Chafin. ROW TWO: Floriece Adams, Ruby Bobbitt, Ann Belue, Jackie King , Charlene Kimbro. Betty Floyd. VoUeyball Champions, The Robins - ROW ONE: Doris Sue Jones, Kay Wilson, Pauline Barnes, Shirley Gentry. ROW TWO: Ruby Bobbitt. Andee King, Dot Reed, Jo Holton. 62 Fall I-lighlights Were Softball And Volleyball The season for gi rls' spOJots opened in an intramural softball tournament with Ann Belue and Belly Floyd's Yellowjackets emerging as champions. From 40 eligible girl s, ten players wer e chosen for an All -Star position. This yea r found volleyball h onored with the largest turn-oul. Six teams participated in the tournament which was backed by interes t and enthusiasm. The Robins, champions of th e intramural contest, went down to defeat at the hands of the mighty all-s tars in their sch eduled match . Softball Champions, The Yellowjackets: Carolyn Hightower, Betty Floyd, Louise McAlister, Joy Arrington , Ann Belue. Volleyball All-Stars - ROW ONE: Floriece Adams, Maggie Chafin, Opal Laird, Ann Belue. ROW TWO: Mary Francis Reese, Myrna French, Freddie Rogers, Marty Austin, Andee King. ROW THREE: Jo Holton, Ruby Bobbitt.