'"The Bartered Bride," a comic opera by Dedrich Smetana, proved to be Harding's outstanding musical presentation of last year. leanne Bankston commands the attention of all in her portrayal of Mrs. Phelps in "The Silver Cord." • And Work nence, sw~pt the campus in the form of an unusual two hour program presented by Dr. Franz Polgar, famous hynortis!. \1aking its first appearance in Arkansas and on the Harding campus was the New Orleans Phi lharmonic Symphony which presented two programs on February 14. Concluding the concert presentations was th~ musical program given by Ralph ielsen and Audrey Paul on March 19. Students couldn't pass up the opportunity to obtain the autopoaph of the famous Igor Gorin. What better test of strength could Dr. Polgar devise for Ronnie Carter and Alvin Cashon . Busprnse ran high in the Alpha Psi Omega chapel presentation of the one act play, "Trifles".