1955-1956 Yearbook

I , Alpha Psi - ROW ONE: Dr. E. Ulrey, Mrs. J. T. Cone, Dr. J. Sears, Mrs. P. Mason, Mr. R. Walker, B. Hogins . ROW TWO: B. Hampton, C. Pittman, Dr. J. Pryor. NOT PIC'rURED: Mrs. F. Cathcart, 1), Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wiley, Mrs. E. Ulrey, tir. L. Burke, Mrs. L. C. Sears, Mrs. J. N. Armstrong, D. Marsh. ALPHA PSI OMEGA, the on ly national honorary organization on the campus, sponsors Harding's dramatic organizations and encourages dramatic ability. Membership is gained through outstanding ability and consistent achievement in stage work. This year the group presented three one act plays. THE APPREl\TICES, Campus Player's junior organization , is composed of Harding students interested in dramatics. The Apprentices work their Campus Players Apprentices - ROW ONE: Bob Speer, Carol Robertson, Joy Edwards, Janice Stroud, Shirley Williams. ROW TWO: Bob McNeese, Sam Ki tching, Jo Anne King, Dennise Taylor. Annette McDougald. way into Campus Players on a point system, membership being granted only after the required numher of points have been earned. The purpose of CAMPUS PLAYERS is to further interest in the theatre, giving many students a ch ance to develop dramatic talent. Three major productions and a number of one act plays were given thi s year. This group also presents awards for outstanding service and achievement in dramatics. Campus Players - ROW ONE: Della Stokes. Carroll Dunkin, Patsy Smith, Sue Gary, Carol Trent, Ramona Thompson, Shirley Alexander, Kay Wilson, Flora Rutherford. ROW TWO: Marjia RuHin, Jeanno Bankston, Glenda Taylor, Caryl Landreth, Darlene Darling, Helen Hendrix , Judaun Ragan, lIa Verne Crews. ROW THREE: Edward Ritchie, Guy McHand, Darrell Alexander, Weldon Hendrix, Bill Hampton . Virgil Weare, Lester Parmenter, Burl Hogins. 49